Katie Southworth is an internationally collected abstract artist currently based in Bridgeport, CT. Originally from Darien, Connecticut she graduated from Colby College in Waterville, Maine with Bachelor degrees in Studio Art and Psychology. Katie discovered her signature style her senior year of college, the same year she unfortunately grieved the sudden loss of her mother. She was the recipient of the Charles Hovey Pepper Prize for her body of work featured in the 2016 Senior Capstone Exhibition. She went on to receive her Masters in Teaching at the Tufts School of the Museum of Fine Arts in May 2018. In August of 2021, after three years of teaching elementary art, she began pursuing her fine art career full time.
Over 250 of her original works are in private and public collections in 50+ cities across the nation and abroad, including New York City, Miami, LA, Canada, and more. Her first solo show "Colorjoy" in November 2021 attracted over 300 people to Opening Night, where 10 pieces sold in total, and 10% was donated to suicide prevention organizations. Katie’s work has been featured in international, local, and fine art publications including Vanity Fair, Vogue, Colby Magazine, and Create! Magazine. At this point in her career, Katie is completely independent and shows her work online, in exhibitions, out of her studio, and in art fairs across the country. Katie works out of a large studio in The Knowlton, an artist community building in Bridgeport, CT.
Selected Artworks
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 18 in